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Implementing statistics


The final statistics API is only available on Plasmid 0.5 for 1.17 and higher, as some things have changed since the initial implementation in Plasmid 0.4

Plasmid provides an API for allowing minigames to record statistics for their players, and can be implemented to allow leaderboards to be generated for games (soon™).

Before you begin

This guide assumes that you have a minigame already implemented and want to add support for tracking statistics. If you simply would like to create a minigame, see the Getting Started guide.

It also expects that you are on the latest version of Plasmid 0.5 with statistics support.

Bundles of fun

(Well it might not seem fun, but its the first step for implementing statistics into your game.)

The first step for implementing statistics is getting your hands on a GameStatisticBundle, which is a class provided by plasmid that holds per-player and global statistics for your current game. You can do this quite easily within the constructor of your GameActive class like this:

public class MyGameActive {
    /* other fields */
    public final GameStatisticBundle statistics;

    private MyGameActive(GameSpace gameSpace, /* other parameters */) {
        /* other initialization logic */

        // The value passed to getStatistics should usually be the ID of your minigame/mod
        this.statistics = gameSpace.getStatistics().bundle(MyGame.ID);

    /* other game logic */

You also need to provide a translation for the name of your bundle, with the translation key in the form statistic.bundle.<namespace>. This namespace is whatever you passed into gameSpace.getStatistics().bundle(), so double check it matches.

Getting some keys

Time to get implementi- Oh, we still need to do something else first :/

Once you have a GameStatisticsBundle, the next step is to actually increment some statistics, and this is where the specifics can become different between games, as every game is somewhat unique.

What are StatisticKeys?

StatisticKeys are a type-safe identifier for a specific statistic, and internally store both an Identifier.

Standard keys

Plasmid provides several built in StatisticKeys in a conveniently named StatisticKeys class. Here are some examples:


Custom keys

You can create your own StatisticKeys and store them in public static final fields in a dedicated class, usually named something like MyGameStatistics.

public class MyGameStatistics {
    public static final StatisticKey<Integer> SOME_COOL_STAT =
        // or StatisticKey.doubleKey or StatisticKey.floatKey
        StatisticKey.intKey(new Identifier(MyGame.ID, "some_cool_stat"));

If you implement custom keys, you need to ensure you provide translations for their names, in the form statistic.<id namespace>.<id path>, where id namespace and id path are the namespace and path of the Identifier you passed as the first argument when creating the key.


If you think other minigames could use a custom StatisticKey you implement, mention it in #tools-and-libraries on Discord and it might get included in plasmid's StatisticKeys class.

Incrementing statistics

Now for the actually interesting part.

Global and per-player statistics

Per-player statistics are fairly self-explanatory; they're things like KILLS or QUICKEST_TIME that apply to a single player. Global statistics are a little different, as their values are not associated with a particular player, but with the entire game session. Global statistics can be used to store things like the number of teams in the game or the length of a course.

Incrementing the statistics uses a fluent API style like the following:

// For a player
this.statistics.forPlayer(player).increment(StatisticKeys.DEATHS, 1);
// Or a global statistic, 5);
player can be either a UUID, PlayerRef or ServerPlayerEntity.

The final step is to scatter these increments around your minigame and collect statistics for whatever seems interesting for players.


And then that's it, your minigame now has statistics support 🎉!

If you need a hand implementing or don't understand something, feel free to join the Discord and ask in #minigame-dev.

Extra: debugging

If you want to double-check that your statistics are being counted correctly, you can add -Dplasmid.debug_statistics=true to your JVM arguments and plasmid will print out a JSON formatted version of all GameStatisticBundles at the end of any game.