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Adding a build

Building and saving the structure


You need to know how to use the structure block and its SAVE mode to create a build.

First off, you need to build your structure in any creative world that you can download generated structures from. Either in a single-player world, or in a server that allows you to do so.


If you have access to the Nucleoid build server, you can join the original builds map /map join buildrush:builds. This map contains all the builds that were made by fellow Nucleoid contributors up to 3.0.0.

To download any generated build on the Nucleoid build server, visit this site:

You also need to choose a size for your build. Builds must have the same width, length and height. Let's say you want a size of n blocks for you build. This means you need to create a structure of dimensions nxnxn.

You can also add a custom floor for your build, allowing the structure to be nxn+1xn. Players won't have to build this floor, as it will replace the floor of all plots when building. Please make sure that all blocks of the floor have a solid top surface.


Do not worry about falling blocks like sand for you floor, as barrier blocks will be placed under the plot floors if the map does not have blocks there.


If you want to create a build of size 7, you can create a structure of dimensions 7x8x7, with the floor being at the bottom of the structure. If you do not want this floor, you can create a structure of dimensions 7x7x7.

After finishing your build, save it using the structure block. The name of the structure file can be renamed manually afterward. Entities are not supported, so make sure to not include them while saving.

Structures are stored under the structures folder of the datapack, so save it there when you're done.

Creating the build file

You now need to add a build configuration that will add information about your build. Builds are stored in the build_rush/builds folder of the datapack, so create a .json file there.

Here are the configuration fields of a build:

  "structure": "build_rush:build/my_build",
  "name": {
    "translate": "build.my_build"
  "author": {
    "name": "jeb_",
    "uuid": "853c80ef-3c37-49fd-aa49-938b674adae6"

Field Description Required Defaults to
structure The path to the structure file. Yes
name The name of the build. Yes
author The author of the build. No The name of the author. Yes
author.uuid The UUID of the author. No


If a game tries to load any build that is not valid in any way, it will get ignored and a warning will be sent in the console.

A standalone build will not get used in any gamemode, that's because it is the game config that defines the list of builds that it's going to use. However, you can add your build to the build_rush:generic tag, which is used by the generic game modes.

Notes on contributions

If you are contributing to the Build Rush repository, please make sure to follow this checklist before submitting your pull request: - Your build is replicable in normal gameplay, on any maps. (no floating blocks) - Your build features as less redstone mechanics as possible. - If the name of your build is already used, add an underscore and a number at the end of the name. (build, build_2, build_3, ...) - Your structure file and your build configuration have the same name. - The structure is saved under the structures/builds folder inside the build_rush datapack. - If the build is not made for specific gamemode, add it to the build_rush:generic build tag. - The build name is translatable. Use existing translations if possible, if not add a translation key that follows the build.<name> pattern.


Currently, the generic game modes of Build Rush were made for build sizes of 5, 7 and 9. Only size 5 is used for now though.